At the Forefront of Optimising Campaign Media ROI

At Truthsets.Online, we’re committed to bringing clarity, efficiency, and integrity to the digital advertising space, empowering brands with the tools and insights they need to succeed in today’s complex digital landscape.

Jonathan Pigden

Media audit company veteran Jonathan Pigden initiated and led innovation in the auditing of OOH media. With over a quarter of a century in marketing and media, Jonathan’s journey evolved him into a tech-savvy media consultant, specialising in data and performance-driven decision-making.

Having managed Media Analytics Global, he showcased his prowess in navigating the challenges that the digital media world faces. Not only does he ensure financial transparency in advertiser and agency relationships across emerging markets, but his collaboration with FouAnalytics also emphasises his commitment to digital media analytics and optimisation.

His passion lies in ushering growth and efficiency as well as raising the bar in the media sector. This positions Truthsets.Online as a frontrunner in online campaign optimisation strategies. 

Marc D'Halluin

Marc D’Halluin, is passionate about brand and respects the creativity, insights, effort, and money required to build them.

The scale of nefarious activity aimed at ripping the heart out of brand’s online campaigns galvanised Marc to co-create Truthsets.Online.

He has a compelling track record, encompassing roles that scaled from spearheading South Africa’s first digital media business for the Times Media Group to playing a leading role in generating exceptional annual revenues for Southern Hemisphere gaming giant Sun International.

With his deep-seated, broad insights in the digital sphere, Marc challenges conventional digital marketing practices and is fervent about shedding light on the digital environment’s vulnerabilities. His leadership, coupled with a knack for mentoring, paints a picture of a leader who’s not only accomplished but is genuinely dedicated to fostering excellence.

His vision for Truthsets.Online ensures its currency as a leader in helping brands receive what they pay for.